Exposing the seamy underside of D/FW nightlife
Thanks for tuning in to the second episode of Flash, the column dedicated to exposing the
seamy underside of D/FW nightlife. It's the scoop on the people, places and problems
surrounding single life in Dallas. And as always, the names have been changed to protect
the not so innocent.
Milk Does a Body Good
If you ever doubted this saying, a look at some of the bodies at Milk Bar should convince
you. I know milk does a body good, but DAMN, how much you drinking? Milk Bar is the latest
in the long line of places to see and be seen in Dallas. And with some of the outfits
spotted there recently, there's a lot of body to be seen.
Milk Bar is really Dragonfly, the Sequel. And like most sequels, it's very much the same
story with a different name (think any of the Rockys, Lethal Weapons, or Rambos.) While
Dragonfly was the place to be last fall, Milk Bar is the place this spring. The changes
from the old to the new are minor and mostly cosmetic. The couches on the rooftop deck are
a nice touch, but take up way too much room in a bar that already gets way too crowded.
And who can argue with the white gogo boots on the waitresses? Not me. The boots and the
short white outfits bring back some of my best naughty nurse fantasies.
The crowd hasn't changed much from the Dragonfly either. Not that that's all bad.
Remember, not all sequels suck (think Godfather II or Empire Strikes Back.) It's the same
beautiful people and hipsters that regularly inhabit Zubar. In fact, the flow between the
two places is so heavy that a crossing guard would be nice. Maybe a hottie in one of those
sexy, skimpy cop uniforms. With black gogo boots. Excuse me, I'm going to need a few
Anyway, the one thing I find funny about the whole evolution of Milk Bar from Dragonfly is
that one is named for a white liquid that comes in a carton, while the other was done in
by a white substance that comes in a powder.
For those of you looking for the sounds of Seven at 7:00 pm rather than 2:00 am, or the
atmosphere of Area 51 when you're not in the area, try Trance: a State of Altered
Consciousness. No matter what your state of mind, altered or not, from sober to wide-eyed
and bushy-tailed, this will get you moving.
And as always, the views expressed here don't necessarily reflect the views of anyone else
on the planet, much less Us Exposed.
- Flash -